Fair Films Image

The responsibility of images

No matter how serious or casual, there is no such thing as a neutral image. Whether it's an advertisement, a work of art or a meme, every image influences society in one way or another. Through the use of music, editing, graphic style, choice of characterisation, etc., all images convey a multitude of signs that shape our perception of the world.

When we watch a video report, there are many biases in the setting and in the editorial choices that the uninitiated do not perceive and that help to shape an opinion. In the same way, popular fiction conveys many clichés about the representation of social groups.

Learning to decode images means learning to decode the world politically and choosing more conscientiously how to consume images. This attitude is both healthier for oneself and healthier in the balance of power that part of the public establishes by rejecting content deemed unreliable or toxic. We can extend the concept of voting with one's wallet (by consuming ethical products) to voting with one's clicks by viewing and sharing appropriate content.

Illustration from Ladybird Books Ltd.