ByteFM, Music and ideal

Documentary, german with english subtitles

UNERHÖRT! Music Film Festival, Hamburg

Hamburg's music radio station ByteFM is a unique business model, financed solely by contributions from its listeners. This model guarantees a 100% free editorial and artistic line. What is the link between musical passion and the transmission of that passion? What is the relevance of commercial independence in this transmission?

Barāye - Woman Life Freedom

Music Video, persian/german with english subtitles

Singasylum - Der Chor für Alle

" We are Singasylum – a choir from Dresden for all. We stand in solidarity with the protests of Iranians for freedom, self-determination and human rights. As a sign of our support and appreciation of the courageous protests in Iran, we give our voice and face to the song “Baraye” by Shervin Hajipour – Baraye zan, zendegi, azadi! – For woman, life, freedom! "

Queer Pride Dresden 2022

Reportage, german with english subtitles

Queer Pride Dresden

" We are a colourful bunch of people who have different positions in life. We have different amounts of money, we have different levels of health, we have different professions and our views on life are diverse. That makes it sometimes complicated, but also particularly beautiful. And we all have one thing in common: we are queer."

Viola - The black angel

Documentary, german with french subtitles

Traces de Vies - 2020, Festival, France

Viola has a flat, but a large part of her life is spent on the streets. A former homeless woman, Viola distributes clothes, food and shoes to those less fortunate than herself. She dresses in a more or less fanciful way herself, and has decided to wear black for as long as Covid 19 lasts. Atypical, but very supportive, Viola offers us her philosophy of human relations, without neglecting the particular context.

Political Art Days 2023

Reportage, german

Cambio e.V.

The association Cambio e.V. in Dresden aims to promote social and ecological change in society. Every year, they organise the Political Art Days, a festival for public and political art that focuses on communicating global contexts using art education methods.

The social Distance

Experimental film, french with german subtitles

Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen

During the corona period, I have been intensively involved not only with issues of physical distance, but also with the clear problems of social distance in society. E.g. poor-rich, young-old, educated-uneducated, etc.. Social, invisible distances also have a significant impact on mental health, but they are rarely recognised.

Peer Education Youth Conference

Documentary, german

Sächsische Jugendstiftung

What exactly is peer education? And why do 60 young people meet on a weekend in summer to discuss it at a conference? You can find the answers in this film, which was shot during the PeerLoaded - Youth Conference of Saxon Peer Projects in Görlitz in July 2022.

Stadtsound - How Prohlis sounds?

Documentary, german

Musaik - Grenzenlos musizieren

Jakob, Rahaf and Eva are 9, 12 and 13 years old and attend the Musaik association, which offers free classical music lessons in Dresden's disadvantaged Prohlis district. The mix of generations and nationalities makes up the everyday life of the association, which is preparing for its annual concert despite the restrictions imposed by the pandemic.

Youth Gets Involved

Image Film, german

JES - Jugend Engagiert Sich

Young people aged 13 and over volunteer in social, ecological, cultural and sporting organisations alongside school. 4 participants of this programme share their experience with us with enthusiasm.


Documentary, german

Meetme - Banda Comunale

Musicians. Everyone has their own history, language, origin and instrument. They don't know each other. But just a short time later, they may feel as if they have known each other for an eternity or have at least met before. Perhaps this magic is the most beautiful thing that inspires us about making music.

Climate Action Academy: Food

Reportage, german/english with english/german subtitles

BluoVerda e.V.

The Climate Action Academy: Food systems and dietary habits (CAA-FOOD) is an international online training program in Germany and Slovenia that focuses on food systems and dietary habits as a relatable entry point to visualise linkages between climate change and the daily life of young people.